Thanks to its completely new housing and fixing system SG-LP laser pointer can be installed in all safety light curtains profiles of SE, SG2, SG4-B and SG BODY series.
SG-LP laser pointer is advised to be used to ease TX and RX mechanical alignment process in the following installation conditions:
·Multi-beam body/access protection safety light curtain whose operating distance is up to 50m and more
·Multi-beam body/access protection safety light curtain installed with deviating mirrors to perform perimetric protections
·Finger or hand protection safety light curtains installed with deviating mirrors to protect different sides of a machine.
Thanks to its completely new housing and fixing system SG-LP laser pointer can be installed in all safety light curtains profiles of SE, SG2, SG4-B and SG BODY series.
SG-LP laser pointer is advised to be used to ease TX and RX mechanical alignment process in the following installation conditions:
·Multi-beam body/access protection safety light curtain whose operating distance is up to 50m and more
·Multi-beam body/access protection safety light curtain installed with deviating mirrors to perform perimetric protections
·Finger or hand protection safety light curtains installed with deviating mirrors to protect different sides of a machine.