We serve as our manufacturers’ sales organization in the Baltic markets, close to you. OEM offers a unique product range and a professional sales staff who are specialized in their product areas, eliminating the need for middlemen. We work closely with our manufacturers, which makes it possible for us to offer value-added components tailored precisely to your needs.
OEM Info is our customer magazine. It features articles about our product launches, existing products and suppliers, among other things.
Each of our sales engineers is dedicated to a specific range of products, making them experts in their field.
They are available to visit customers on short notice to discuss and provide advice on technical or commercial issues. They will always help you find the optimal solution for your needs.
Our manufacturers are leading specialists in their fields. By serving as our manufacturers’ local sales organization, bearing full responsibility for all sales, we can offer a unique product range that includes more 50,000 items from more than 200 leading manufacturers.