Redundant modules have MOSFET transistors instead of diodes, resulting in lower heat dissipation and voltage drop. Thanks to the MOSFET technology, the modules can be made very compact.
Redundant modules have two separate entrances, each of which can be loaded with half the output current instance. 40 A module can handle up to 20 A per input.
With redundant modules from Pulse, you get a secure system against internal power supply faults which are particularly suitable in processes where downtime is costly.
Redundant module can also be used in systems where you want to ensure the operation of sensitive loads. Input 1 is connected to the main power supply that normally supplies loads directly and eg PLC via redundant module output. Input 2 is connected to a smaller unit that is only connected to the sensitive load via the output, in this case the PLC. In case of failure of the main unit or short circuit at the loads going PLC supplied by the smaller unit and avoids incorrect processavslut. Redundant module is also suitable when you want to separate the power supply units from the loads to avoid returned voltage, for example, from motors and batteries.
Input voltage DC | 12-28 V |
Input voltage dc min | 8,4 V DC |
Input voltage dc max | 36,4 V DC |
Input current per channel max | 20 A |
Input current at continuous overload or short circuit max | 2x32,5 A |
Type Power Supply | Redundancy modules |
Output voltage | 24 V DC |
Output Current | 40 A |
Output current max | 65 A |
Temperature Range Without Derating From | -40 °C |
Temperature Range Without Derating To | 70 °C |
Life span | 246000 h @ 2x 20 A, 24 V DC, 40 °C |
MTBF (IEC 61709) | 2706000 h @ 2x 20 A, 24 V DC, 40 °C |
Width | 36 mm |
Height | 124 mm |
Depth | 127 mm |
Weight | 0,34 kg |
Series | Dimension Y |
Approvals | ABS, ATEX, CB, CE, CSA, CSA US, GL, IECEx, UL |
Material Protection | Aluminium |
IP Class | IP20 |
Voltage Drop Over The Semi-Conductor | 140 mV |
Redundant modules have MOSFET transistors instead of diodes, resulting in lower heat dissipation and voltage drop. Thanks to the MOSFET technology, the modules can be made very compact.
Redundant modules have two separate entrances, each of which can be loaded with half the output current instance. 40 A module can handle up to 20 A per input.
With redundant modules from Pulse, you get a secure system against internal power supply faults which are particularly suitable in processes where downtime is costly.
Redundant module can also be used in systems where you want to ensure the operation of sensitive loads. Input 1 is connected to the main power supply that normally supplies loads directly and eg PLC via redundant module output. Input 2 is connected to a smaller unit that is only connected to the sensitive load via the output, in this case the PLC. In case of failure of the main unit or short circuit at the loads going PLC supplied by the smaller unit and avoids incorrect processavslut. Redundant module is also suitable when you want to separate the power supply units from the loads to avoid returned voltage, for example, from motors and batteries.
Articles | Output voltage | Input voltage DC | Output Current | ||
24 V DC
12-28 V
40 A
| |
Redundancy Module 2 x 12-28V dc 20A I/P 12-48V dc 40A O/P
24 V DC
12-28 V
40 A
| |
24 V DC
12-28 V
80 A
| |
Redundancy Module 2 x 12-28V dc 40A I/P 12-28V dc 80A O/P
24 V DC
12-28 V
80 A
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